Welcome to Listsaurus!

Jacki and Miranda are most pleased to have you present. This blog was created as a way for the two BFFs to keep in touch seeing as Miranda decided to up and move far, far away. Jacki misses Miranda, and Miranda misses Jacki! They share affection for a lot of things, most notably making lists! Also, vocabulary. Their brilliant minds decided to combine a way to keep in touch with an outlet for their endless quest in wording and listing. Join them on their bonding, loquacious journey.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Jack Attack's first post!

Jacki here. I was told to make a blog post when I came home from work. I didn't want to disappoint.

Mirandafriend! I propose a few stipulations to our Disney-list. Let's keep it non-Pixar (as that Disney-Pixar films could be a whole new list in and of itself!) and might I suggest that we keep it to a Disney classics theme? I've already started on my list. I don't have much else to add to this. I am so interested to see which of our movies will match up. I'm almost certain I know which will be your number 1. I bet you can guess mine :].

Mine is colorful! I'm excited to see yours. Are we allowed to post ahead of schedule? hm.


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